Thursday, May 31, 2012

Small Mind.

God cannot be kept in the smallness of our minds, so why try and keep Him there? Let go, and travel with Him, through the journey of life. Look for Him in the unusual, not the usual. Look for Him in the illogical, not the logical. Look for Him in the places that don't make sense. Look for Him with your heart - Jeremiah 29:13. We are but finite creatures, why try and hold down our infinite God? If you don't let go, you cannot grow! Christian, stop fooling yourself into believing it's about this life. God bless.

Change It!

Tired of the same ol routine? Then change it! We decide what each day will bring, and the best decision one can make is to include God in everything. Wake up, include God. Brush your teeth, include God. Eating breakfast, include God. Get it? Want a real pick-me-up? Stop and pray a few times throughout the day, the Lord will refresh your soul like nothing else, Hallelujah!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Just Talk To People, You Might Save A Life.

By God's grace and His love, I get to stop and talk to many people. People from all walks of life and from varying religious ideas. Very few people are rude to me, maybe it's my winning personality and dashing smile, he he he. I think it's more because people are people and we all like genuine personal contact with each other. Hey, who hasn't been warmed by a hello and a smile from someone just happy as can be? As I talk to people however, it becomes very clear that many are not happy. I can see it in their eyes. And so I talk to them about God and about His plan to make them one of His own. His desire to bring peace and security to lost and hopeless people. Most are receptive, some don't want to hear it (here the mood changes at times). But hey, as Christians, were not called to make a change in a persons thinking, only to share the good news and love on people ~ The Almighty does the rest. It is interesting though how sometimes, it quickly goes from very friendly conversation to not. A great majority of people I meet are into religion and philosophies that when you really hear it, is quite fantastic ~ I mean, parting an entire sea in two is something, but the things I hear. And these folks are convinced that what they believe is the right thing. I like to ask, "so what happens when you die?" I get answers that really breaks my heart because I know that if Christ doesn't become real to them real soon, they are going to suffer an eternity apart from God. But I trust my King to do as He says in His word and so I press on and share with as many as I can. Please join me in prayer and let us together ask God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to give us many opportunities to share Jesus with those around us. God Bless.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Prayer For You

My prayer for you from Philippians 1:9-11

I pray that your love will keep on growing and you will fully know and understand how to make the right choices. Then you will still be pure and innocent when Christ returns. And until that day, Jesus Christ will keep you busy doing good deeds that bring glory and praise to God. God Bless.

Real Love

Some of you guys are still looking for real love, a love that never fails - no matter what. God is the only one who can fulfill that need. His love never fails, never abandons, never hurts, never abuses, never criticizes. The world and its lures - money, prestige, power, material goods, people, etc. - will not fill that void in your heart for true and real love. You are longing to be loved for who you are, not what you can give or for what you have. God is waiting for you to make a decision for Christ so you can experience His awesome and amazing love. Now some might say, I already have a true love in my wife or children or family or friends, but I tell you, they will all fail you at some point and they cannot love you in eternity. Jesus is the way the truth and the life (of real, lasting and true love). Make Jesus your Lord today and know real love. Any questions, just ask. Love you guys and God bless.

Psalm 62

Something God placed on my heart this morning - thought I'd share.

Only God can save me,
and I calmly wait for[a] him.
2 God alone is the mighty rock[b]
that keeps me safe
and the fortress
where I am secure.
3 I feel like a shaky fence
or a sagging wall.
How long will all of you
attack and assault me?
4 You want to bring me down
from my place of honor.
You love to tell lies,
and when your words are kind,
hatred hides in your heart.
5 Only God gives inward peace,
and I depend on him.
6 God alone is the mighty rock
that keeps me safe,
and he is the fortress
where I feel secure.
7 God saves me and honors me.
He is that mighty rock
where I find safety.
8 Trust God, my friends,
and always tell him
each one of your concerns.
God is our place of safety.
9 We humans are only a breath;
none of us are truly great.
All of us together weigh less
than a puff of air.
10 Don’t trust in violence
or depend on dishonesty
or rely on great wealth.
11 I heard God say two things:
“I am powerful,
12 and I am very kind.”
The Lord rewards each of us
according to what we do.

Psalm 62 - CEV. God Bless.