Monday, May 14, 2012

Just Talk To People, You Might Save A Life.

By God's grace and His love, I get to stop and talk to many people. People from all walks of life and from varying religious ideas. Very few people are rude to me, maybe it's my winning personality and dashing smile, he he he. I think it's more because people are people and we all like genuine personal contact with each other. Hey, who hasn't been warmed by a hello and a smile from someone just happy as can be? As I talk to people however, it becomes very clear that many are not happy. I can see it in their eyes. And so I talk to them about God and about His plan to make them one of His own. His desire to bring peace and security to lost and hopeless people. Most are receptive, some don't want to hear it (here the mood changes at times). But hey, as Christians, were not called to make a change in a persons thinking, only to share the good news and love on people ~ The Almighty does the rest. It is interesting though how sometimes, it quickly goes from very friendly conversation to not. A great majority of people I meet are into religion and philosophies that when you really hear it, is quite fantastic ~ I mean, parting an entire sea in two is something, but the things I hear. And these folks are convinced that what they believe is the right thing. I like to ask, "so what happens when you die?" I get answers that really breaks my heart because I know that if Christ doesn't become real to them real soon, they are going to suffer an eternity apart from God. But I trust my King to do as He says in His word and so I press on and share with as many as I can. Please join me in prayer and let us together ask God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit to give us many opportunities to share Jesus with those around us. God Bless.

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