Saturday, July 14, 2012

God Loves You

As I think about the frailty of life, I am reminded that at the end of the day, all we want as human beings is to be loved. We work so hard at trying to live lives that are full of what seems to bring us joy, but we cry more than we laugh. We think the worst more than the best. We lie more than we tell the truth, especially to ourselves. We hurt, and then hurt; because that's what hurt people do. We don't trust more than we trust.
There are people who spend a life time accomplishing this thing or that thing with the hopes of changing the world, when in fact, all that have made contributions to society have only ever wanted one thing - love. How about all the evil people that have committed such atrocities? They were missing love. But not all evil people lacked love, you say. Yes, they have.
We were built to love and be loved - that's it! That's why men work. That's why women work. That's why we have what we have around us today because someone, somewhere, loved someone else. Think about this world of ours and how it is built. Do you honestly think that we as a race are smart enough to have accomplished all we have without help? Why is it that most of what we enjoy today has come just in the last four or five decades? Because we are evolving to meet the need for love, or maybe technology is moving forward at such a rapid pace to keep us from figuring out we need love.
I don't know, seems to me we either miss love, need love, give love or take it. But we sure don't know how to handle it. But somewhere along the line, we will never be happy unless we have the greatest love of all. That's why we damage each other! That's why fathers run out on their kids. That's why marriages are so quickly and easily broken. That's why we do drugs, and drink and gamble and prostitute and kill and lie and cheat and steal and are gay and are corrupt and the rest of it - because we don't have love! At least most of us don't.
Some of us think we have real good love. Shoot, brought up right, been given good homes, not necessarily rich homes, although I imagine that's not too bad, lol; but an environment conducive to good growing up and good social living. Nonetheless, even that is not enough - even that won't prevent a husband from cheating, or a wife for that matter. Or a Business person from causing havoc. You think Bernie Madoff had a good upbringing? How about G W Bush or Obama?
We are such fools to think we can make a life for ourselves without true and real love; a love that we are simply incapable of giving or receiving without the key to it. God, through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit! Girls will always be hungry for real love and will look for it anywhere they can get it. Boys will always look for real and true and trusting love and will go anywhere to get it. FOOLS!
And the world thinks that Bible believing, true and honest Children of God are the fools. Have you read the Bible? Yes! It is full of war and violence and discrimination! No, it's not - it's full of love. You can't skim through a biophysics textbook in thirty minute and think you know all there is to biophysics! So why do some many people, some that have never even picked up a Bible think they know what it is all about?
God loves us! He truly and deeply loves us! He loves us more than we can ever know. With a sweet and tender love, with a firm and disciplinary love (to keep knuckleheads like me on the right path), with an endearing love, a protective love, with an affirming love, with an EVERLASTING LOVE -just ask His Son!
I don't have this love thing down, that's for sure - I lack in all kinds of ways, but one thing I know to be true - God loves me. And I know He loves you too. If you're hurting, or lost, or lonely, or depressed, or confused, or angry, or hungry, or not sure if life is worth living, or just need to hear the words - I love you - God is waiting to receive you and hug you, and kiss you and show you His amazing love.
Believe Jesus is His Son and that He came to die in your place. Confess you have lived contrary to what God wants for you. Receive Christ into your heart. Turn from the kind of living that hurts God, and watch how LOVE will overcome you. He's waiting, He loves you so much. He gave His Son for you. His love will bring peace and joy in your life.
God bless.

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